Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Drawing Of Pokemon

Below is my drawing of some random pokemon i chose. I felt that they are easy to draw for beginners like me. Therefore I chose these pokemon. The image on the left,or top, are my drawing while the image on the right, or bottom, are the images that i refer to when drawing.











Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pokemon Taking Over!!!

Since Common Tests are over, and I had some free time, I decided to play with Pokemon. I will made Pokemon do something which human beings can do. Such as being a policeman like Lucario. (Adeline Lee suggest the dancers) Hope it is interesting!

(Lucario is a policeman)

(Plusle and Minun are dancers)

(Pokemon Rock Band)

Common Tests Are Over!!!

Common Tests are finally over! For me, its time for play! However, I still have the English + Humanities Interdisciplinary Project Work (IPW) to complete. Its so much to do, but we only left a few weeks..... They even added the Secondary Camp week and only told us some information on that week itself. Other important informations are released only on the next week. I felt that this was unfair. Anyway, I will try my best to complete the tasks assigned. Now, I will relax before I get busy again....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sorry for the inconvenience caused

This blog is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

My other blogs :

Welcome Note

Welcome to my newly created blog on 22 Feb 2009. I will made this my personal blog and post things that I like such as my favourite game and favourite cartoon. Thanks for visiting my blog and I wished you all the best. Have fun!