Friday, March 27, 2009

Passing-Out-Parade Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is The Boys' Brigade 31st Singapore Company's Passing-Out-Parade (POP)! It is one of the brigade's biggest parade of the year. New recruits,who are the secondary one students or also commonly called Year ones, will recieved their very first and important badge. This badge is as Target Badge. Their parents or guardians are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the big ceremony. They are supposed to help their son or ward to pin their Target Badge on the right sleeve of the uniform. Awards and promotions will be also held tomorrow.

There will be drill showcase by the year ones and some entertaining band performance by the seniors of the company. An interesting Adventure Quest Display by the year threes will be put up after the band performance. Light refreshments will be served after all the events of the ceremony is over.

Now, I would like to delicate a song to all participants. It is called "Pokemon-You can do it". This is an encouragement songs that have meaning as the title had suggested.

* Please switch on the music manually when you are ready. Sorry for any inconvinence caused.

Music Playlist at

Lyrics for song : Pokemon-You can do it

In the morning when you wake up
Open your eyes to a new day
Look around at the gifts you've got
You've been so lucky along the way

Time to finish what you've begun
Have the faith, you're the one
Throw your hat high-up to the sun

Now that you face the greatest test
Use the lessons that you've learned
You're goal is to be the best
And claim the prize that you've earned

Ever since you were a young man
You've kept your eye on the master plan
To reach for the top- and touch the sky

It's your destiny

To spread your wings and fly

You can do it if you really try
You can do it if you really try
Spread your wings and learn to fly
You can do it if you really, really try

Keep movin' forward to stay alive
Trust your heart and you'll survive
Follow your dreams, never let them die

It's your destiny
To spread your wings and fly

Why I choose this song?
From the first stanza, "In the morning when you wake up, open your eyes to a new day" This means that when are awake from your sleep, its another new day for you. "Look around at the gifts you've got. You've been so lucky along the way" From this sentence, it tells me that you look around your room and see your achievements hung up on the walls and placed on shelves. For year twos and above, it can refer to the badges and awards you earned. It also mentioned that you are very lucky.

From the second stanza, "Time to finish what you've begun." It can refers to you completion of you March Training Camp (MTC) that you participate in during the march holidays. It is time to officially ends the whole process. "Have the faith, you're the one." You must believe in yourself that you are the one who completes the training camp, and not anyone else who had helped you. "Throw your hat high-up to the sun" This literally means that you throw you hat into the sky like the graduates throwing their square hat into the sky after graduating. It marks the end of your training and its time for celebration.

From the third stanza, "Now that you face the greatest test, use the lessons that you've learned." In this line, it can refer to two things. Firstly, the "greatest test" can mean the MTC. During MTC, you need to apply your drill knowledge and some theory work in order to proceed smoothly with the whole company. Secondly, the "greatest test" can mean tomorrow's POP. It is a very big test for everyone as you need to know how to perform well and how to recieve your gifts. People who are perfoming needs a lot of courage in order to stand in front of the parents and present your item. For the year ones, they had to recall what is being taught during their drill session and apply it accordingly into their drill display item. For the year threes, we had to know what is taught during Physical Training (PT) sessions. "You're goal is to be the best,and claim the prize that you've earned" We must try our very best and be the best that you can be. Our aim is to make the whole ceremony a great success and be the best that it ever can be. After showing what you have got, its time to be rewarded. You shall claim your prize that you had earned. For the year ones, it is target badge. For the year twos and above, it is awards and promotions.

From the fourth stanza, "Ever since you were a young man, you've kept your eye on the master plan." This is mostly refering to the senior NCOs for the company. Since secondary one when you are still new to the company, you will be asked to aim for the master badge, the "Founders' Badge". "To reach for the top- and touch the sky" We must work towards our dream and strive for excellence.

"You can do it if you really try, you can do it if you really try. Spread your wings and learn to fly, you can do it if you really, really try." This whole line means that you will be able to complete what is being asked from you if you give in you best. For example, during the MTC, when you are asked to complete something during a time limit. You can only complete it if you put in all your best and never give up. Everything is possible if you have the will to complete it.

Therefore, I chose this song...

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